Our Mission:
To help low-income families to stretch their scarce dollars farther. By providing pet food at no cost to low-income families in our community, we make it possible for more pets to stay in their loving homes with their families during times of need.
We also partner with 501(c)3 rescues in our area to provide wet (canned) dog and cat food during kitten and puppy seasons and other times of the year when they are in need.
Our faith inspires us to be an organization built on compassion, and motivated by love. We strive to reflect God's unconditional love. We believe that we can show His love by serving the "least of these" on earth as Christ challenged us to do in Matthew 25. The Bible says in Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me"